Black Mirror is a British production developed by Charlie Brooker, which is a science fiction anthology dominated by estrangement and the imminence of the future, where the most advanced technology collides with the darkest instincts of human beings is a series of independent episodes with each other and, with a different cast and plots, whose only common point is the power of new technologies to move the world, it has 22 episodes.
I like it because it shows an interesting dystopia of the world with technologies, but much more gloomy and with fiction than we can see in reality, although, if we think about it, sometimes social networks can be horrible and lead to committing atrocious acts that are evident in the real world. It is undoubtedly visionary and sadly accurate as we already see today. The transformation of the world thanks to or despite new technologies. Perfect for reflecting, questioning, and discussing the sad reality of the world that awaits us. This series forces you to reflect that the exaggerated use of these tools can lead to unfortunate consequences for society, in politics, in family ties, friends, and among others.